Your City, Your Views

Your city centre is changing…

UPDATE 18/10/18: Consultation now closed to submissions

Thank you to everyone who has commented on the Your City, Your Views map. The Consultation is now closed, which means that you can no longer submit suggestions or comments to the Your City, Your Views map. The map will remain open, however, for you to view the comments we received.

As these comments are analysed, you can still contact our team for more information about plans for the city centre via

Help us shape the future of transport for the city centre

This is your chance to have your say on city centre transport so that we can improve it for the future. TfGM, Manchester City Council and Salford City Council would like to find out what residents, employees and visitors think of transport in the city centre today and what, if anything, you’d change. For more information on the strategy click here.

The map shows the city centre boundary, which has grown over recent years to include parts of Salford as well as Ancoats and New Islington. It also shows the city centre neighbouring areas which we know can be impacted by what goes on in the city centre. Also included on the map are planned key transport interventions. The online map is an opportunity for you to highlight why and where improvements could be made to make it easier to travel into or around the city centre. For example, this could include:

The above examples are ideas of the types of comments that would be helpful to us. You may want to add comments whilst completing the online survey. You are able to make comments on the map between 8th August and 17th October.

The Greater Manchester Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Proposal map was published earlier in the summer and has also provided the opportunity for respondents to comment on the walking and cycling across GM as well as in the city centre area. We will also use the comments we receive on potential city centre walking and cycling network improvements to inform the future transport strategy.

Your City, Your Views - User Guide

This guide will help to answer your questions about adding comments to the map. If you have any issues, contact the MappingGM team via the contact details below.

Privacy Notice

The information you provide on this form will be used for the purpose of gathering the views of the public about a Manchester city centre transport strategy. We do not and will not ask for any information from which a living individual can be identified. As such, we ask that you do not provide information which could identify any living individuals in your comments.

We will share your submitted comments with GMCA and Salford City Council for the purpose of managing the website.

If you provide personal data in your submitted comments, we will redact this information before your comment is made public and delete your submitted comment 1 year after completion of the consultation.

Contact TfGM

If you have any comments or queries about the plans please contact via email.

Contact the mapping team

If you have any queries, comments or updates to make regarding the map, then you can get in touch via email or via Twitter.


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