Bee Network map

Greater Manchester cycling and walking infrastructure proposal

UPDATE: 24/06/2019 – Updated Bee Network map published plus 15 new schemes

One year on from the launch of its proposals for the UK’s largest cycling and walking network, an updated Bee Network map has today been published on MappingGM which sees the total length of the proposed network increase by 77% - from almost 1,000 miles to more than 1,800 miles. The total number of new and upgraded crossings has also increased from 2,000 to 2,400.

The changes to the Bee Network map have taken into account feedback from local authorities and over 4,000 public comments received when it was first published in June last year.

The map now includes two Beeway route layers:

  • Beeways, which will mainly be on quiet streets, connected by new or upgraded crossing facilities of main roads
  • Busy Beeways, which will be on busier roads where protected cycle lanes may be needed, similar to those recently installed on Oxford Road

The map shows what we believe is needed to get many more people cycling and walking for local journeys in Greater Manchester. This doesn’t mean that we know whether all this is possible to deliver yet! The map will continue to be updated as the network is built over the coming years, and the detailed routes of all the Beeways will change as we do more work on what is possible to construct. In particular, many of the Busy Beeways will require significant changes to the street to enable safe cycling. At present, we are only at the very early stages of investigating most of these Busy Beeways.

TfGM also today announced that a total of 15 new Bee Network cycling and walking schemes with a total value of £129m will be considered by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) this week. These schemes have been added to the ‘confirmed infrastructure’ layer of the map. For further information visit

UPDATE: 12/06/2019 – Tell us possible locations for parklets and pocket parks

Greater Manchester’s first Bee Network ‘parklet’ and ‘pocket park’ launched today on Bridgefield Street in Stockport. Dozens of parklets and pocket parks could be delivered throughout Greater Manchester as part of the Bee Network.

A parklet is a mini-park - usually the size of one or two car parking bays - that is typically installed on-street featuring seating, greenery and cycle parking. A pocket park is a small park-like space that enhances a variety of street types and can incorporate seating, planting, play and street gym equipment.

We’d like you to tell us what possible locations they could be installed in. Please add your suggestions to the map. They will be reviewed and added to the map on a weekly basis, and the locations will be assessed by the relevant district teams every few months. For more information about the Bee Network, please visit

Bee Network Map

The Bee Network is a cycling and walking infrastructure proposal for Greater Manchester which can be viewed on Transport for Greater Manchester’s website. The Bee Network proposal is a vision for Greater Manchester to become the very first city region in the UK to have a fully joined up cycling and walking network; the most comprehensive in Britain, covering 1000 miles. The Bee Network map currently shows the existing and proposed crossing points needed to open up communities for cycling and walking across Greater Manchester. It also shows the proposed routes for the Bee Network network and initial proposals for roads where segregated Dutch-style cycling lanes could be built.

The first iteration of the map was published in June 2018 and has been developed in collaboration with all of the 10 GM local authorities and co-ordinated by Transport for Greater Manchester. The Bee Network map will be updated quarterly with new information and public engagement with this first draft of the proposals is actively encouraged.

The information provided on the comments will be used for the purpose of gathering the views of the public about a proposed walking and cycling network for Greater Manchester.

In June 2019, the map was opened up to enable people to provide suggestions for potential locations for parklets and pocket parks.

This guide will help to answer your questions about adding comments to the Bee Network Consultation map. If you have any issues, contact the Cycling and Walking team or the MappingGM team via the contact details below.

Bee Network Privacy Notice

The information you provide on this form will be used for the purpose of gathering the views of the public about a proposed walking and cycling network for Greater Manchester. We will use your email address to confirm that your comment has been received, and to let you know about the next stages in the consultation.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) process your personal data because it is necessary in order to meet a legal obligation placed on us as an executive body of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. This legal obligation can be found in s99(1) of the Local Transport Act 2008. We also process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

We will share your personal data with GMCA and Salford City Council for the purpose of managing the website.

The personal data you provide on this form will be deleted 1 year after completion of the consultation.

Information on exercising your rights under data protection law as well as more information about how we process your personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy on the TfGM website at

You can contact TfGM’s Data Protection Officer by emailing

Contact the Cycling and Walking team

If you have any comments or queries about the plans please contact via email.

Contact the mapping team

If you have any queries, comments or updates to make regarding the map, then you can get in touch via email or via Twitter.


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