About our maps

MappingGM is a mapping portal, visualising spatial information on a series of maps.

This site was originally developed in 2014/15 to create a map of social and physical infrastructure across Greater Manchester, but has since expanded to focus on planning, housing, environmental, social, economic and demographic data. Currently, there are six live maps and two archived maps hosted on this site.

Live maps

There are six maps currently hosted on our website, covering a variety of thematic areas. Not all maps are directly accessible on MappingGM, as they relate to other specific areas of work. Follow the links below to access the various maps.


The Greater Manchester Open Data Infrastructure Map was the first map developed for MappingGM. The map is designed to provide developers and planners with infrastructure and housing related information across Greater Manchester on a single, easily accessible map.

The original idea was commissioned by the Greater Manchester LEP and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. New Economy, now part of Greater Manchester Combined Authority's research team, sought funding for this on behalf of the GMCA through the Cabinet Office’s Release of Data Fund. After a strong bid, Salford City Council’s ICT Service was chosen to deliver the technical side of the project, due to their focus on using open data and open source technologies, with New Economy overseeing policy and strategy issues.

The first map was built and delivered in 5 months, drawing in data from both the public and the private sector to provide a general overview of physical, social and green infrastructure. Since then, the map has been expanded with further datasets on issues such as heritage, flooding, property prices and river quality.

Access the GMODIN map »

People and Communities

In 2017, GM-Connect asked for the MappingGM team to look into supplying consistent socio-economic and demographic data about people and communities across Greater Manchester in the form of a map.

The People and Communities map is designed to provide this information, bringing together thematic information about the people and places of Greater Manchester with information on the public services and social amenities within areas.

The aim of the map is to provide the public — and public sector workers — with relevant and important contextual information about an area. This includes, but is not limited to, the provision of services such as post offices, GP surgeries, dentists and hospitals; the availability of social amenities and leisure facilities; and key socio-economic information, such as the typology of local residents.

By providing this information, we hope to provide public services with the relevant information about an area to better deliver services to the public.

Access the People and Communities map »

Bee Network Map

The Bee Network is a cycling and walking infrastructure proposal for Greater Manchester which can be viewed on Transport for Greater Manchester’s website. The Bee Network proposal is a vision for Greater Manchester to become the very first city region in the UK to have a fully joined up cycling and walking network; the most comprehensive in Britain, covering 1000 miles. The Bee Network map currently shows the existing and proposed crossing points needed to open up communities for cycling and walking across Greater Manchester. It also shows the proposed routes for the Bee Network network and initial proposals for roads where segregated Dutch-style cycling lanes could be built.

The first iteration of the map was published in June 2018 and has been developed in collaboration with all of the 10 GM local authorities and co-ordinated by Transport for Greater Manchester. The Bee Network map will be updated quarterly with new information and public engagement with this first draft of the proposals is actively encouraged.

The information provided on the comments will be used for the purpose of gathering the views of the public about a proposed walking and cycling network for Greater Manchester.

In June 2019, the map was opened up to enable people to provide suggestions for potential locations for parklets and pocket parks.

This guide will help to answer your questions about adding comments to the Bee Network Consultation map. If you have any issues, contact the Cycling and Walking team or the MappingGM team via the contact details below.

Access the Bee Network map »

Your City, Your Views

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), Manchester City Council and Salford City Council are holding a consultation to help shape the future of city centre transport. Your City, Your Views is an opportunity for people to have their say on city centre transport to provide ideas on how it can be improved for the future. TfGM, Manchester City Council and Salford City Council would like to find out what residents, employees and visitors think of transport in the city centre today and what, if anything, they would change.

The map shows the city centre boundary, which has grown over recent years to include parts of Salford as well as Ancoats and New Islington. It also shows the city centre neighbouring areas. Also included on the map are planned key transport interventions. The online map is an opportunity for people to highlight why and where improvements could be made to make it easier to travel into or around the city centre by posting comments.

People are able to make comments on the map between 8th August and 17th October. This guide will help to answer questions about adding comments to the map. If you have any issues, contact the MappingGM team via the contact details below.

Access the Your City, Your Views map »

Clean Air Plan

Greater Manchester is developing a Clean Air Plan to tackle harmful and illegally high levels of roadside air pollution across the city-region.

In July 2017 the Government instructed many areas across the UK to develop measures to tackle high levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on local roads. Government has identified 12 road-links in eight of the 10 Greater Manchester local authorities as likely to have levels of NO2 in breach of legal limits beyond 2020.

As the main source of NO2 is road traffic, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) is working with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and the 10 Greater Manchester local authorities to produce a single Clean Air Plan. These organisations are developing the plan in collaboration with Public Health England and the Government’s Joint Air Quality Unit.

The Government used a broad-brush national air pollution model which identified road-links in Greater Manchester expected to have illegally high NO2 levels beyond 2020. TfGM has now checked their findings against much more detailed data using sophisticated prediction modelling. This local modelling has identified 152 stretches of road likely to have levels of NO2 (more than 40 µg/m3) in breach of legal limits beyond 2020 if no action is taken.

This includes busy stretches of local roads in all 10 local authority areas. It doesn’t include motorways and some major trunk roads. These are being dealt with separately by Highways England, which manages the Strategic Road Network.

You can see which stretches of road are affected on the interactive map available via the link below.

Access the Clean Air Plan map »

Places for Everyone Consultation 2021 map

Places for Everyone is a joint plan of nine local authorities. It has been born from a collective ambition to build better, affordable, more sustainable homes so we can all enjoy happier, healthier lives with more opportunities for everyone who lives and works here.

We want to work together to make sure that our areas are dynamic, and attractive places to invest and do business.

To enable us to do this we need to build the right homes, in the right places so we can all live in well-connected and environmentally sustainable villages, towns and cities.

The Places for Everyone consultation is now open. You can access the consultation and provide your response by visiting www.gmconsult.org.

You can also visit the new interactive map here on MappingGM, to explore the proposals in more detail.

Access the Clean Air Plan map »

Archived maps

As our work evolves, some of our maps become out of date, or are superceded by newer maps. This may be because a map is needed for a specific purpose or only for a limited time frame, or the data on the map may be updated and refreshed. When this happens, we archive these maps.

To us, an archive is something that should be maintained and accessible. As such, while we have removed direct access to these maps through our 'Maps' tab, we still allow access through this archive section. To find out more and to access the maps below, follow the relevant links.

GMSF Call for Sites Map

The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework is a joint plan across Greater Manchester that will aim to ensure that we have the right land in the right places to deliver the homes and jobs we need up to 2035. It will be the overarching development plan within which Greater Manchester’s ten local planning authorities can identify more detailed sites for jobs and homes in their own area.

As part of this work, the ten local authorities need to understand both the future demand for employment and housing land, and the supply of development land available. To do this requires asking local residents, businesses and land owners and developers to identify sites they think could be suitable for housing or employment development. This helps to determine whether there are areas of land available for development that individual districts or Greater Manchester are not currently aware of.

The GMSF Call for Sites map was built in autumn 2015 to support the GMSF in engaging with the public and developers, and to help gather this information in a consistent format. The Call for Sites was opened in November 2015, running for over a year until its closure in February 2017. While the ability to submit further sites to the map has now closed, you can still view the map and the sites submitted.

The sites submitted to the Call for Sites are available to view on the map so people are aware of all the ideas and proposals. These sites, shown as default on the map, are promoted by owners/developers and have no endorsement as sites for future development by Greater Manchester and its constituent 10 districts. Decisions on whether sites will or will not be supported will be made as the GMSF is developed.

Access the GMSF page »

GMSF Consultation 2016 Map

Following the development of the GMSF Call for Sites map, the GMSF team asked whether the site could also contribute towards the Consultation on the draft GMSF. The draft plan, released in October 2016, provides the opportunity to comment on the proposed spatial strategy and this will continue to be developed in the light of the consultation responses.

The draft GMSF describes in detail various policies and allocations of land across Greater Manchester for multiple uses. The GMSF team asked for MappingGM to provide a visualisation of the GMSF, to allow the public the opportunity to view and interact with the various policies spatially.

The Consultation map was therefore developed in autumn 2016 to coincide with the release of the draft GMSF Consultation. The map provides a view of the proposals contained within the draft GMSF and provides the public with links back through to the relevant proposals in the document.

Access the GMSF page »


GMSF Consultation 2019 map

Greater Manchester has to prove it has enough land available to deliver the homes people need up until 2037. If it doesn’t, local councils will have less control over the future shape of Greater Manchester, and growth will take place without being properly planned for the benefit of all. By planning ahead, Greater Manchester can steer development in a way that works for us - delivering the coordinated, strategic improvements we need in the city region.

Greater Manchester’s local councils held a consultation on the draft GMSF in 2016 and early 2017. More than 27,000 responses were received as part of the initial consultation into the first draft of the framework. In response, a revised 2019 draft has now been written.

Greater Manchester’s Plan for Homes, Jobs, and the Environment has been put together by Greater Manchester Combined Authority, which comprises the Mayor of Greater Manchester and the leaders of Greater Manchester's ten local councils. This map identifies the proposals and relevant information for the rewritten GMSF.

You can access the maps via the links below.

Access the GMSF Consultation 2019 portal »

Access the GMSF Consultation 2019 map »

Future work

If you would like to suggest a layer of data to include, please contact us via email or Twitter.

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