Green City Region

A map of low carbon, environmental and ecological information across Greater Manchester.

Our natural environment is a precious natural asset that gives us clean water, clean air, food, timber, flood protection, recreation and much more.

Greater Manchester has a wealth of green space, waterways and rich biodiversity to connect with and enjoy. This valuable ‘natural capital’ and the benefits it provides need protecting and enhancing for people, wildlife and the environment.

Understanding how we use these natural assets is a key factor in our aim for a low carbon future. That’s why we’re committed to supporting projects across Greater Manchester that promote healthy green spaces and people.

This map brings together a range of environmental and ecological data alongside low carbon information.

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We are always on the lookout for new and useful data. If you would like to see any particular data visualised, please let us know via Twitter or via email.

Contact the team

If you have any queries, comments or updates to make regarding the map, then you can get in touch with our mapping team via email or via Twitter.


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