GMSF Call for Sites Map

A map to view sites submitted to the GMSF Call for Sites

UPDATE 11/05/2022: Places for Everyone boundary added

The Places for Everyone districts and Places for Everyone boundary have been added to the map.

UPDATE 21/01/2019: Greater Manchester’s Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment


Physical copies of Greater Manchester’s Plan for Homes, Jobs and the Environment (the spatial framework) will be made available to view at various locations across Greater Manchester. Please visit your local council website for details.

You can take part in the online consultation and view the maps of the proposals by visiting the GM Consult website.

The plan can also be viewed online or downloaded as a pdf:

UPDATE 28/09/2017: All data on sites submitted has now been published


A Greater Manchester wide call for sites exercise was undertaken between November 2015 and February 2017.

The purpose of the exercise was to identify through a transparent and open process potential sites that can be technically assessed for their suitability, availability and achievability (including viability) for housing and economic development to meet development needs.

Sites can be put forward by anyone or any organisation and typically have been promoted by land owners, developers, agents, local businesses and residents.

We used this information to identify whether there are areas of land available for development that individual districts or Greater Manchester are not currently aware of.

Map users can now view sites that were submitted as part of each call as a layer on the map. Additionally, redacted user submitted information for all of the existing Calls for Sites releases are available in a combined spreadsheet. You can access this by clicking on the small    button next to the layer name in the right hand panel on the map, or by accessing the file directly here.

The sites have not been endorsed by the GMCA or the individual districts and they have no formal planning status.

UPDATE 01/03/2017: GMSF Call for Sites process now closed


The GM Spatial Framework Call for Sites, which has been open since November 2015, is now closed.

All sites submitted up until 23:59 on 28th February 2017 — either through the GMSF Call for Sites map or via — will continue to be processed in the usual way. The online map will also continue to be available for the public to see, but will no longer be accepting further submissions.

Any submissions sent to the GMSF Call for Sites email inbox will be forwarded to the relevant authority. Agents, land owners, developers or others seeking to identify a new site for development should contact the relevant district local authority in which the site is located.

We will continue to publish information on sites that have already been submitted, once personal information has been redacted. These sites will help to inform the next draft of the GM Spatial Framework, which will be published later in 2017.

If you have a query about a particular site or about the GM Spatial Framework in general please contact the GM Planning Team at

UPDATE 31/10/2016: Further Call for Sites data published


The Call for Sites map now includes layers for the Winter 2015/16 (November 2015 – February 2016), Spring 2016 (February 2016 – mid-July 2016) and Summer 2016 (mid-July 2016 – August 2016) Call for Sites. Map users can now view sites that were submitted as part of each call as separate layers on the map. Additionally, redacted user submitted information for all of the existing Calls for Sites releases are available as spreadsheets. You can access these by clicking on the small    button next to the layer names in the right hand panel on the map, or by accessing the files here.

The publication of these sites does not imply that planning permission would necessarily be granted for development. These sites are promoted by owners/developers and have no endorsement as sites for future development by Greater Manchester and its constituent 10 districts. Decisions on whether sites will or will not be supported will be made as we develop the GMSF. The Draft GMSF Consultation, still accessible at the GMSF Consultation portal, provided the first opportunity to comment on the proposed spatial strategy and this will continue to be developed in the light of the consultation responses.

About the map

The Greater Manchester Spatial Framework Call for Sites map:

Sites already identified for built development

Sites that we consider will be developed between 2015 and 2035 for new housing, offices and industry and warehousing are shown on the map. Some of these sites already have planning permission for development, whilst those that do not have permission are considered to be compliant with the current planning policy frameworks that are currently in place across Greater Manchester.

Although we have identified development sites this does not imply that planning permission would necessarily be granted for development (where a sites does not already have permission). All planning applications will continue to be treated on their own merits. Furthermore our assessment was a snapshot as of 1 April 2015; inevitably there have been changes to some of the sites since then relating to the scale and form of development identified on them, when they will come forward etc.

Learn more »

Privacy statement

The information you supply on this form will be used to inform the development of the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework.

The Joint GMCA/AGMA Executive Board will publish information relating to sites submitted in response to the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework - Call for Sites. This may include information submitted on this form including your personal information which may be disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and the Data Protection Act 1998. If you want the information that you provide to be treated as confidential please tell us, but be aware that we cannot guarantee confidentiality.

Contact the team

If you have any queries in relation to commenting on the development sites we have already identified and / or submitting additional development sites, please get in touch with us:

Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Churchgate House
56 Oxford Street
M1 6EU

Telephone: 0161 778 7006


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