The home of Greater Manchester mapped data.
MappingGM provides a range of maps that you can use to explore Greater Manchester’s housing, planning, infrastructure, socio-economic and demographic data. The maps are open for you to use, and most of the data used is freely available to download.

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Explore the maps


Planning, housing and infrastructure data across Greater Manchester.

Find out more about GMODIN map »

People and Communities

Explore socio-economic and demographic information about the people and communities of Greater Manchester.

Find out more about People and Communities map »

Bee Network

View the proposed Beeline routes and crossing points across Greater Manchester, and add your comments to these proposals.

Find out more about Bee Network map »

Your City, Your Views

View planned key interventions and help shape the future of transport in the city centre by suggesting potential improvements.

Find out more about Your City, Your Views map »

Suggest a change

We are always on the lookout for new and useful data. If you would like to see any particular data visualised, please let us know via Twitter or via email.

Contact the team

If you have any queries, comments or updates to make regarding the map, then you can get in touch with our mapping team via email or via Twitter.


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